In January, GRA’s Professional Trustee team wrote a blog on the new requirements trusts must meet when filing their tax returns. In this article, I go into a little more detail about the financial information that must be disclosed to the IRD.
But first, why have these new rules been introduced at all?
The main reason is because of the new 39% individual tax rate for income over $180,000, which came into effect from April 1, 2021. Previously, the top tax rate for individuals was the same as trusts, at 33%.
Consequently, the IRD has some concerns that taxpayers in the highest income bracket will be pushing income through their trusts to reduce the amount of tax they have to pay. Measures have already been introduced to prevent people from avoiding the higher tax rate by using companies. Now IRD will be closely monitoring trusts to see if they need to introduce similar measures.
At GRA we have always said we were surprised (but pleased) that the top trust rate did not change to be in line with the individual rate – if it had, perhaps the new hoops trusts need to jump through could have been avoided (or at least reduced). In saying that, the information trustees need to provide is not particularly onerous; it’s just more time-consuming than we have all been used to.
What financial information must trusts provide to IRD?
Trusts must provide the IRD with profit and loss statements and statements of financial position. To do this, they must prepare financial statements that meet certain standards, as defined by a March 2022 Tax Administration Order.
Although the full financial statements do not need to be disclosed to IRD (unless requested), they still have to meet minimum requirements. The financial statements must:
These minimum requirements are suitable for simplified trusts, which are defined as trusts where:
If the trust is bigger (i.e. income, expenditure and assets are greater than defined above), further requirements apply in addition to the minimum requirements stated above. Among other things, financial statements for bigger trusts must:
The most notable exception to the new rules is for non-active trusts, which are trusts that derive no income and have no deductions. (Typically they just own the family home.) Non-active trusts do not have to provide financial statements, and nor do they need to comply with the other disclosure rules (such as providing details of settlors and beneficiaries to IRD, as explained in GRA’s previous blog). To qualify, the trust must have a non-active declaration filed with IRD.
There are other exemptions to these new disclosure rules, including charitable trusts, but they have their own separate disclosure requirements.
While having to prepare financial statements for your trust may seem like a lot of work, your accountant will be able to make this process relatively easy for you. And even though these new rules mean trustees have to do more, at GRA we believe that in most instances, the benefits of a trust still far outweigh the inconvenience and cost of preparing the information the IRD requires. In addition, using a professional trustee (rather than using an independent person) can make all of this much easier.
For assistance with preparing your trust’s financial statements and tax returns, contact us at GRA – we will be very pleased to help you.
Hi Salesh, I just wanted to send you an email on behalf of GRA to say how fantastic we have found your company to date. As you know, Ben and I joined GRA a couple of months ago and have just found you so amazingly helpful in getting our new property set up correctly and sorted out. We have what I would consider a rather complicated structure as a result and it’s a fantastic feeling to know that we are getting everything done in the best way possible. We have just had approval to put a minor dwelling on the property which will make a massive difference in terms of cash flow and obviously value, something we would never have even thought of without GRA and which we are very excited about. During the buying process we attended a seminar with Matthew and from the outset thought he was fab. We therein signed up for property school and found this nothing short of fantastic. The content was relevant, up to date and comprehensive, but more importantly it was taught in a way that we could actually understand and really get value out of. I wanted to mention also, that everybody GRA have recommended to us has been just so efficient and absolute masters at what they do. A wonderful network of people that we feel very lucky to now be able to call on. From Kris Pederson and Bryan Rist who put our mortgage together to the insurance guys they then referred us to, I’m super impressed. Within GRA, Ellery has probably turned things around for us faster than I’ve ever known before, something which we appreciated so very much when it came to crunch time. She’s always a pleasure to deal with and again, we’re stoked. We’ve just settled on the property today and are about to go and get the keys. I’m pretty pumped and hence this email is probably rather excitable. So, a massive thank you to you Salesh, the partners for such a fabulous 6 weeks at property school and everyone at GRA for their help. May this be the start of our property empire. Thanks again, - A & B - July 2015
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